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71 reviews
12.6 M downloads

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Uber is the official ride-sharing app. All you have to do is make a quick few taps to request one of its drivers pick you up wherever you are and take you to your destination. It's that simple.

Once you sign up for Uber, you'll need to type in your credit card information. Uber automatically securely stores this data and makes charges after each ride. Now you never have to worry about having cash on you to pay for a ride again.

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The app interface shows you exactly where your Uber driver is on the way to pick you up. It also provides other useful information like what model the car is, its plate numbers, and your driver's name. In addition, once you've finished the trip, not only will you get a full receipt on your smartphone, but you can also rate the experience, and you yourself will receive a rating as a rider as well.

Uber is a super useful service that allows you to travel from one side of the city to another on the cheap. Not to mention, it's basically door-to-door service, almost like having your own on-call chauffeur. Best of all is that payments occur automatically without so much as lifting a finger.

Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 8.1 or higher required

Frequent questions

How do I start a trip with Uber?

To start a trip in Uber you need to choose your origin and destination. You can also plan your trips ahead by adding a future date and time.

How much does Uber charge?

Uber charges a fixed fee by distance or time of a trip that differs in each country. You can check your trip's cost before booking it and the final charge.

How do I share my Uber ride?

To share your Uber ride, choose Share my trip option that appears next to the arrival time and select the contact you want to share it with.

Information about Uber 4.543.10002

Package Name com.ubercab
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
Author Uber Technologies, Inc.
Downloads 12,621,075
Date Sep 5, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 4.541.10003 Android + 8.1 Sep 1, 2024
xapk 4.540.10004 Android + 8.1 Aug 24, 2024
apk 4.535.10000 Android + 8.1 Aug 7, 2024
apk 4.534.10000 Android + 8.1 Jul 9, 2024
apk 4.533.10001 Android + 8.0 Jul 2, 2024
apk 4.532.10001 Android + 8.0 Jul 2, 2024

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71 reviews


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wildwhitespider36751 icon
1 month ago


angrygoldenhorse26776 icon
2 months ago

It is a very good and practical solution.

oldbluemosquito61365 icon
2 months ago

Uber locked unlock 🔓 please phone number okay +918448185868 okay

amazinggreyturtle16075 icon
2 months ago

Uber driver FB permission dijiye

freshgreycow24013 icon
in 2023


fantasticbrownnightingale13887 icon
in 2022

I hope he is disciplined


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